When Destiny Wins

When Destiny Wins

Latest Episodes

Forgive, Now Goodbye!
May 02, 2019

We have an obligation to forgive people. Reason being is because unforgiveness is a form of imprisonment. The freedom is letting go of the negativity and toxic hold that bitterness creates. In that process of letting go, we can also let go of the...

Toby Butler Interview
April 05, 2019

Mr. Butler discusses a range of topics from growing up in the Greater Rochester Area, family, friends, his time with the Basement Crew, and his call to ministry. 

Interview with Bekah Baker
March 07, 2019

This interview episode of When Destiny Wins explores how repairing and healing requires being broke down first. After the broken down process is complete, you can begin to see your true purpose with clarity. 

Letting go of the Fantasies
February 19, 2019

Letting go of the Fantasies is about understanding that no matter what you believe in life, it will all be met with a certain level of struggle and adversity. You can't escape pain life, but you can be better equipped to deal with what life rolls your...

Rejection and Abandonment
February 12, 2019

This episode depicts some of the childhood and adult issues that plagued me throughout my life. There's one very impactful event I talk about that really showed me that it was time to heal.  

Rearview Mirror
February 04, 2019

Rearview mirror is about taking a look back into your past to see how far you have come. We often times don't want to remember our past or what we've been through, but in order to move forward we have look back. 

Introduction to When Destiny Wins Podcast
January 28, 2019

Authentic, Bold, Transparent