Into The Lifestyle

Into The Lifestyle

Episode 43 – Navigating the Lifestyle

July 13, 2017

Navigating the Lifestyle can have its ups and downs... But that is normal!
We hear it time and again from so many people that they are not feeling the lifestyle and then a few weeks or even months later they are back 100%. Its natural to be in the feeling and out and it is perfect as it is your journey. Check out's post for guidelines in taking care of oneself.

In landscaping, we dig into what the ebb and flow of the lifestyle could look like for you and how we see navigating the lifestyle can be based on our experiences as a numbers game. We also dig into online communities and what can make the special for you based on keeping your needs first as a core value in their operation. Also (and this seems to be more of as an always) the conversation takes in in lots of other directions too, so tune in and listen to what falls out of our mouths lol.

If you want to take advantage of the opportunities of becoming a truck driver, here is everything you need to know. For more details, My CDL Training can help you.

Lots of love everyone, thank you for listening and sending in the comments and feedback!


Cindy & James

Want to connect with one of us real time? Join us on - we are ITLJames & ITLCyn