In the FICC of It

In the FICC of It

In the FICC of It

October 17, 2020

There is plenty for Colin Lambert to ponder in this week’s podcast as he reviews the feedback to his recent comments suggesting the NDF market doesn’t need fragmentation, lets listeners in on the background to something that has been puzzling him, and then, with no little trepidation, he “tiptoes” into Cryptoland. Of course, there is no such thing as him doing anything delicately so kicking off with a blast at what he sees as rather simplistic market analysis, he then looks at not only the growing interest of the authorities in crypto markets but also at a new product that, Lambert believes, highlights just why retail markets in these products must be regulated.

Lambert is then joined by Adrian Patten, chairman of Cobalt to discuss the crossover between digital assets and foreign exchange markets. Patten, who admits to being a sceptic on the price of bitcoin, talks about how the technology in the digital world is gradually transforming fiat markets, especially in the post-trade space. He also explains how Cobalt is using a Stablecoin to drive change and build efficiency levels in the post-trade space, and how he thinks the world will look in just a few years’ time.

There are, naturally, people who remember Patten and Lambert from their days trading spot Cable, if nothing else, listen to this podcast to find out how one, at least, can discuss something other than ‘yours’ and ‘mine’!