Interviews from Yale University Radio WYBCX

Interviews from Yale University Radio   WYBCX

C. Finley

July 14, 2021

Photo by Elizabeth Bick

Artist and Curator of the Every Woman Biennial: C. Finley, based in New York City and Rome, is known for her elaborate paintings and intense use of color, monumental murals, multi-disciplinary collaborations, and her activism through urban art interventions, including her acclaimed Wallpapered Dumpsters.

As the creator of the 2014-2021 Every Woman Biennial she exhibited over 1200 female and non-binary artists in New York, Los Angeles and London.

The book mentioned in the interview was At Certain Points We Touch by Lauren John Joseph.

Ecstasy of Santa Theresa 111x73.5 in acrylic on canvas 2020

Mano Divina 24x20in acrylic and gouache on canvas 2021