Interviews from Yale University Radio WYBCX

Interviews from Yale University Radio   WYBCX

Arthur Menezes Brum

April 29, 2020

Arthur Menezes Brum (b.1985) is an educator, artist, and consultant. His activities focus on interrogating creativity within and beyond the fine arts.

As an educator he seeks to reinforce the controversial concept that anyone can become an artist. He received his MFA from Yale University, and his BFA in from the University of Cincinnati.


Bad Idea in Orange, 2020.  Light bulb and dehydrated orange, ~12"x 3.5" x 3.5"

Ash Canary, 2020. Hand sanitizer on painted cardboard effigy, ~ 5" x 4" x 3"

Alien Space Suit, 2020. Performance/Costume: Seersucker suit, N95 respirator, goggles, sunglasses, gloves, boat shoes, and latex mask.