Interviews for Resistance
Latest Episodes
Healthcare as a moral issue, with Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Faith leaders from around the country have joined in civil disobedience to protest the attacks on healthcare.
Fighting for healthcare in coal country, with Gary Zuckett
Donald Trump won West Virginia, but many of its residents are having buyer's remorse.
Getting through to the Senate to defeat Trumpcare, with Jaron Benjamin
Networks of activists around the country have been training in protest tactics for months; this week they put them to use in Washington, D.C.
Shutting down white supremacy in Charlottesville, with Laura Goldblatt and Mimi Arbeit
The Ku Klux Klan held a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend. The people of Charlottesville were ready.
ADAPT and resist, with Bruce Darling
Disabled activists have been leading the charge to save Medicaid from GOP cuts.
Healthcare for the heartland, with Jesse Myerson
After the election, Jesse Myerson wanted to build something in a place with little progressive infrastructure. He found himself in Bloomington, Indiana.
Rising out of poverty, with Annie Chambers, Rachel West and Pat Gowens
20 years after "Welfare Reform," organizers are backing a bill that would undo its worst harms.
Challenging Paul Ryan on his home turf, with Randy Bryce
Ironworker and cancer survivor Randy Bryce made a splash with the announcement of his campaign against Paul Ryan for Congress.
Fighting no-show Senators for healthcare, with Autumn Zemke
The Northern Nevada Working Families Party has been trying to tell its Senator what it wants from healthcare policy. But he doesn't want to listen.
40 acres for liberation, with Chinyere Tutashinda
To mark Juneteenth with action, organizers planned 40 actions in 40 cities reclaiming land for black people.