Interstates & Heartbreak

Interstates & Heartbreak

83. Two Drink Max (and Other Dating Rules) w/Lindsey Metselaar

January 30, 2022

This week I'm joined by Lindsey Metselaar of We Met At Acme podcast to discuss the harsh dating truths she learned in her 20s. She confesses to past cringe dating behaviors, like drinking too much or lingering for too long after an early sleepover. We go over the dating rules she now swears by, and how they impact gender dynamics around paying for dates, sleeping with a new partner, and making the first move.

When your group chat's dating advice isn't cutting it:

To join in on my poll question addiction : @wemetatacme

To make things Instagram official : @interstatesandheartbreak

For dating commentary from my inner Carrie :

For any questions, business inquiries, or love letters :

For a glimpse into my life when I'm not talking about dating : @lesliegnope