Interstates & Heartbreak

Interstates & Heartbreak

3. Finding Your Stage 5 Clinger (Pt. 1)

June 28, 2020

On part one of "Finding Your Stage 5 Clinger," we hear from life and career coach Megan Ladd for an empowering message about how trusting her gut and staying true to her standards helped her find the one. For anyone who's experienced burnout or frustration over a seemingly aimless slew of online dates, Megan dives into grounding yourself in a vision that will give your dating life renewed purpose. Learn how the moniker "Stage 5 Clinger" helped her weed through the duds in order to find her husband Will, and close out the episode with a recap of their dream wedding (which I will probably never shut up about).

If you can't get enough of Megan's wisdom and are looking for affirmations designed to help you maximize success in all aspects of her life, find her on Instagram : @megladd

To inquire about coaching opportunities :

For a peek into some of the OKCupid profiles that didn't quite make the cut