Interrupted Tales

Interrupted Tales

Latest Episodes

E069: Large Salary Too Small
September 17, 2019

We're back riding the iron horse with a story of the rails! From the January, 1910 issue of Railroad Man's Magazine comes "Large Salary Too Small", the story that proves a railroad fool and his railroad money are soon railroad parted. We also discuss wha.

E068: IT Commentary Track - The Test
September 10, 2019

It's a peek behind the curtain as we present a very special Commentary Track for the third episode of Interrupted Tales: The Test! Join Rob as he presents clips, behind the scenes information on the making of the podcast, and gives some insight into how .

E067: Trust a Dead Man
August 27, 2019

It's a Tale of the Old West as lawmen clash, villains threaten, and long, contemplative walks are taken. "Trust a Dead Man" is as gritty and hard-boiled as the title implies! Well, it doesn't actually make any sense with the story, but it's a damn exciti.

E066: The Master Key
July 09, 2019

A mystery story with not much story and a detective story without much detecting, "The Master Key" will leave you breathless! If you have asthma and have climbed several flight of stairs. Otherwise you should be okay. From the April, 1928 issue of Amazin.

E065: The Chase
June 25, 2019

Sci-fi vengeance is the theme this week's Tale! In the future a man seeks revenge across the solar system, but he learns just what kind of toll "The Chase" can take. From the April, 1952 issue of Fantastic Adventures comes a dark tale of revenge served r.

E064: How to Get an Air Job
June 11, 2019

It's our filthiest episode yet! Get ready for sizzling acti- Wait, it's about getting a job in the airline industry? And that's the title? Okay. Well. Folks, get ready for another advice column from the past as we interrupt "How to Get an Air Job" from t.

E063: Interrupted Tales LIVE - Printcrime
May 28, 2019

LIVE FROM SEVERAL DIFFERENT HOUSES, IT'S INTERRUPTED TALES... UM, LIVE! Recorded as part of the 3rd Annual Livestream for the Cure in support of the Cancer Research Institute, we present our latest show. It'll sound a little different than usual, you'll .

E062: Proposal Bait
May 14, 2019

Please don’t use the fancy soaps or guest room towels because this episode we’re joined by Linzi from the fantastic 33% Pulp podcast! Linzi reads “Proposal Bait” from the February, 1951 issue of Today’s Love, a tale of romance and ghosting but unfortunat.

E061: The Telepathic Pick-up
April 30, 2019

Join us this episode for a chilling tale of telepathy and mad science (and not trying smooth, mental lines to pick people up at bars as the title would suggest) in Amazing Stories' "The Telepathic Pick-up" from December, 1926. Prepare yourself for horror.

E060: The Last Stage Coachman
April 16, 2019

We have a guest! This is not a drill, people, put the plastic on your couch and set out a bowl of nuts because Shawn Ennis from the excellent Stories of Yore and Yours podcast has come to shame Rob and Alan with his ability to read and sound good-like wi.