Energy Realities

Wind Blows - Is Bruce Willis right?
You can't beat a great movie line, and Bruce Willis has some of the best. Like "Welcome to the Party Pal" or "Skys Blue, Waters Wet, and Wind Blows." - But does the wind always blow when it is really needed for electricity? We are seeing across the globe that intermittent energy means just that. You won't want to miss this week's Energy Realities podcast with Tammy Nemeth, Irina Slav, David Blackmon, and Stu Turley as they talk about the issues around wind energy. Live on X, YouTub,e and LinkedIn on Monday morning at 8:00
Highlights of the Podcast
00:10 - Introduction
00:46 - Discussion on Wind and Renewable Energy in the UK
05:17 - The Dual Grid System and Energy Transition Challenges
10:26 - Institutional Mismanagement and Policy Criticism
15:22 - Economic and Financial Implications of Renewable Energy
21:06 - Texas's energy demand forecast and grid challenges.
21:54 - Political and Grid Management in Texas
25:47 - UK's Energy Situation
26:47 - The Green New Deal and Rising Energy Costs
28:53 - AI Opportunities Action Plan: government response
34:11 - Germany's Energy Failures and the Global Impact
39:03 - Risky pension investments in the UK.
44:58 - UK’s blackout near-miss shows risk of Net Zero
46:30 - Supreme Screw-up: How Canada’s Highest Court Got Climate Change Wrong
48:04 -The Collapse of the UN Net-Zero Alliance
49:07 - Trump Promises to ‘un-Ban Biden's Huge Offshore Drilling Ban
50:35 - Discarded wind energy increases by 91% in 2024
52:08- EU's 2024 new wind capacity less than half amount needed for climate goal, industry group says
54:43 - Trump to issue six-month moratorium on offshore wind projects
55:16 - Tougher U.S. sanctions to curb Russian oil supply to China and India
55:57 - What do oil and gas exports mean to the Russian economy?