Energy Realities

What is “Energy Coexistence?”
What in the world is Energy Coexistence? - Well, tune in to the Energy Realities Podcast with Irina Slav, Tammy Nemeth, David Blackmon, and Stu Turley to find out more. We will cover this and prepare you for next week's energy predictions. We answered questions live and had a lively discussion last week with great comments. With co-hosts from around the world, it is truly a unique podcast.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:10 - Introduction
02:04 - Theme: Energy Coexistence
06:42 - Discussion on Energy Transition
13:22 - Global Perspectives
21:12 - Renewable Energy and Criticism
34:48 - Granholm's Long, Strange Trip at DOE
36:13 - “You are the carbon they want to reduce”
37:04 - World's Coal Demand at Record High in 2024, IEA Says
39:31 - ANDREW NEIL: Ed Miliband's Net Zero mania isn't just a threat to energy security. It's making us so reliant on China, he's now a threat to national security
47:08 - Biden Admin Grants California to ban new car gas sales by 2035
48:27 - Biden Erects Another Last-Minute Roadblock To Trump’s Energy Dominance Agenda
49:46 - Azerbaijan-brokered deal to keep gas flowing to EU via Ukraine fails
53:07 - Legal and Constitutional Challenges
59:00 - Closing Remarks