Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs

Latest Episodes

Google Analytics
February 11, 2022

I was given my first assignment about Google Analytics a week ago at Blubrry. My boss asked me if I knew how to use it and I said “No, but I can learn!” Doing is how I learn best, so I was all for stu

The Billion Dollar Morning Routine
January 31, 2022

Creating routines is hard work but keeping up with routines is even harder!  Why are morning routines important for productivity? What should be included in a morning routine? Are cold showers really

Instagram Stories
January 04, 2022

Why Instagram stories matter: Instagram stories are an easy, free way to try out different marketing techniques. You can tag locations and people to encourage exposure to your profile. Today I explore

Interning in New York
December 28, 2021

If you are interested in interning in New York, New York, then this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Chau and I interview An, an architect major at the University of Cincinnati. An is internin

Hope After Finals
December 11, 2021

Happy birthday Chau, we hope you are having a wonderful time in New York! Check out this week’s episode surrounding our thoughts on final exams, the semester, and the importance of gratitude. We hope

Navigating Social Media
November 30, 2021

Social media can be overwhelming, we would know. Chau and I interact with social media every day as marketing interns. We use Canva to create infographics and are improving our techniques as we go. In

Ep 1: Stretch or Stress?
November 19, 2021

How are you? Like…how are you really? If you are like Mandy and Chau who are juggling several tasks like essays, exams prep, team projects, co-op and even a case competition in the weekend, you might

E0: Welcome to Internal Affairs
October 25, 2021

Welcome to Internal Affairs! In this episode, we talk about who we are and what you can expect from us in upcoming episodes. If you want to get some insight into what it is like to push our creativity