Interesting People Reading Poetry

Interesting People Reading Poetry

Ilhan Omar Reads Warsan Shire

August 14, 2017

On November 8, 2016, Ilhan Omar was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives, making her the highest-elected Somali-American public official in the United States. In this episode, Ilhan reads and discusses “Conversations about home (at the deporation centre),” by Warsan Shire, and reflects on the meaning of home.
“Our home, when I was younger, was right next to the local market; and everyone, with their own baggage & history, stopped by our front porch to have coffee with my grandfather. It was a place where people were forgiven– for their history, for their past– and were seen as people worthy of sharing their stories without judgement.” - Representative Ilhan Omar
“Conversations about home (at the deportation centre)," by Warsan Shire, appears in the pamphlet, Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth, from Flipped Eye Publishing. 

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