Latest Episodes
Troy Korsgaden – Discussion Partner, A Radical Transformation to Unrivaled Service in the Insurance Industry
DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND! The insurance industry is going through a revolution, but too many carriers, brokers, agents, and team members aren’t keeping up with the changes. Today we live in an world of convenience, information, and choices.
Jeff Brown – The California Privacy Law and It’s Impact Upon the Insurance Industry
Jeff Brown is the EVP of sales for Imprezzio, Inc., a Spokane-based proprietary software company that helps insurance carriers and agents manage data for better growth and distribution. The company provides sales software to over 150,
#2 – Who Uses Cyber Security?
The internet’s philosophy of open communication permits us to express ourselves freely. It also leaves us immensely vulnerable. Criminals depend on the cyber world to conduct their illegal activities just as industriously as legitimate business and eth...
#1 – Developing Common Cyber Security Sense
Did you know that human error continues to be one of the most significant causes of data and security breaches? In today’s world these risks and exposures come into play with just about everything we do. Experiencing a security compromise can include n...
Andrew Jewell – Top Producer
Andy Jewell is a successful insurance agent located in historic downtown Lynden, Washington. Andy works diligently to help clients understand how insurance can help them and protect them from loss due to risks they encounter daily in their personal and...
Jesse Slome – Long and Short Term Care Specialist
Jesse R. Slome, an award-winning public relations professional recognized for his work marketing the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, is one of the nation’s leading experts in the field of marketing insurance and financial products.
Matt Wolk – Top Manager
Matthew Wolk is a very successful and award winning District Manager with Farmers Insurance Group in St. Louis, Missouri. He has been named District Manager of the Year 5 of the past 6 years and has over 80 producers and store fronts he assists to achi...
Chris Ingram – Top Executive
Ask anyone about Chris Ingram, and the first thing they will say is he’s competitive. Very competitive. It will also be followed up by his other qualities of leadership, vision, and dedication. For clients at Jettison,
David Stansfield – Top Producer
David Stansfield is an award winning agency owner in Ft Collins, Colorado. In 1994, he interviewed with Farmers and the District Manager at that time told him he was too young so he should work for another agent.
Marvin Feldman – Top Executive
Marvin Feldman signed his first New York Life contract in 1966 while he was a senior at Ohio State University, and started his career as an Agent with New York Life in Columbus, OH. Immediately after graduating he transitioned into New York Life’s Mana...