Bill Wienhoff – Clear Cert
Bill Wienhoff is the founder and CEO of ClearCert, which is an independent, centralized training certification clearinghouse for producers and leading Long Term Care Insurance and annuity carriers. His firm publishes carrier authorized state-by-state rules, pre-certifies training courses that meet carrier requirements, and maintains a direct reporting network with hundreds of training firms across the United States. The ClearCert centralized data resource can be accessed by representatives of insurance carriers, their distribution partners, participating training firms and producers. More recently, additional training requirements which insurance carriers are legally required to validate to state insurance departments have been added to the platform. Prior to forming ClearCert Bill enjoyed a 30+ year career in retail, personnel and financial services, most recently as Director of Insurance Education with The National Underwriter Company. Bill and his wife Jen have four grown children and eight grandchildren (so far!) In addition to time with family, he enjoys gardening (especially hot peppers) and fishing, and is a singer and musician in his church’s praise band.