Instructional Ecology

Instructional Ecology

Feeling Failure

October 12, 2023

We're in the dark now and we begin with an element of failure that makes it radioactive in higher education: its emotion. The feeling of failure is intense and those in an educational community often have little guidance about best practices when a student is in failure and feeling strongly.

So our guide this episode is someone who sits with student emotion all day: Cyntrelle Legette, one of our therapists at Counseling Services. 

Cyntrelle speaks to the confusion and pain of failure. Together, we work our way through the emotional experience of failure. We also begin to get a glimpse of grief in higher education. It's much more common than most of us ever realize and failure is at its root.

Join us to stand in the emotional aura of failure and begin to better understand what is happening and how we might better respond to student emotion and our own.