Inspiring Women with Betty Collins

Inspiring Women with Betty Collins

Courage In Ordinary Moments: Taking Small Steps Towards Big Dreams with Farah Ismail

March 08, 2023

Farah Ismail, the founder of Interacting Consulting, shares her journey to success and her fearless mindset.

Farah brings her fearless mindset and inspiring journey to the table, sharing her insights and experiences on how to live the life of your dreams. She guides listeners through the process of unlocking their courage and taking action, providing tips on forgiveness, planting new seeds, and finding someone else to enjoy the journey with. Farah encourages us to be brave enough to use our voice, bold enough to listen to our heart, and strong enough to make big changes in our life. Don’t miss this insightful conversation!

Learn how to make big changes in your life and be the master of your own destiny!

The Ultimate Coach

Interact Consulting

Farah’s books

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