Inspiring Women with Betty Collins

Inspiring Women with Betty Collins

Cliff Bishop from Brady Ware Capital

February 21, 2022

We’ve been starting this year with optimism.

My guest in my last episode was Randy Gerber from Gerber Clarity and we discussed first-generation wealth and wealth transfer.

In this episode, I speak with Cliff Bishop of Brady Ware Capital. Cliff is a good friend and colleague of mine. We talk about how he and Brady Ware Capital help business owners and entrepreneurs understand, increase, and unlock the value of their businesses. Cliff talks about how we can help you buy a business, sell a business, raise capital, understand the value of your business, and more. Is this a good time to sell your business?

2021 was an exceptional year. We see all the fundamentals being really strong for 2022. There’s just a lot of capital in the market looking for good companies. So the answer is yes!

What are the most important factors that drive the valuation of a business?

There are a lot of things that are going to drive the ultimate valuation, but a couple of things jump out. One is growth, and the second thing, no matter what the industry, is predictability and recurring or consistent revenue.

What is the toughest part of the selling process that you’ve experienced with business owners?

I think without a doubt, it’s the due diligence process. Just because it’s a very good time to be selling right now and there’s a lot of money out there, it’s not easy money.

What options does an owner have when they’re considering the sale and transaction of their business?

I think most business owners, there are a lot of business owners that envision that when they sell the business, they’re going to call her biggest competitor and they’re going to take over. And that the owner is going to clear out their desk and ride into the sunset. And that rarely happens.

Cliff goes on to talk about what a business owner is not supposed to do when selling their business. They make mistakes. What are those things that they fall into that can be avoided? And finally, what does a business owner need to do to prepare? And what’s the timeline?

This is THE podcast that advances women toward economic, social, and political achievement. Hosted by Betty Collins, CPA, and Director at Brady Ware and Company. Betty also serves as the Committee Chair for Empowering Women, and Director of the Brady Ware Women Initiative. Each episode is presented by Brady Ware and Company, committed to empowering women to go their distance in the workplace and at home.

For more information, go to the Resources page at Brady Ware and Company.

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