Inspiring Voice

Inspiring Voice

Deep Breathing Meditation

December 27, 2024

Deep breathing while recognizing and regulating stress is not a silver bullet but it's crucial in our overloaded business world. Consider the following 3 steps a few times a day to clear your mind and open your cognitive capacity:

1. Loosen up and stretch as you notice your stress level and how you're feeling (is stress low, medium or high?).

2. Turn your attention inward and focus on some deep breathing. When the mind wanders (it will), redirect attention inward (to build that mindful muscle).

3. Notice if you're feeling any differently after you increase your oxygen intake.

This can be done between meetings, before a stressful conversation/presentation, and occasionally throughout the workday. 'Small moments with lots of oxygen' is a great habit to build. 

This exercise does not take the place of medical advice. It's practical, will help you maintain energy, in addition to recognizing and regulating your stress.

It's my hope you listen to the audio a few times then do this on your own. And pay it forward.