Inspired Leftovers - Rodney Majaya

Inspired Leftovers - Rodney Majaya

Latest Episodes

#56 - The benefit in putting others before yourself
May 07, 2015

Sometimes it's far much easier to be selfish than considerate, that's the truth. But being considerate should not be taxing rather than internally rewarding.

#55 - Is your pride stopping you from success?
May 05, 2015

Pride blinds us from our true selves.

#54 - Take care of yourself, take care of your body
May 03, 2015

Sometimes we think we have more time than we actually do

#53 - Don't fall into the trap of 'overplanning'
April 28, 2015

They say failing to plan is planning to fail... but what happens after you plan?

#52 - The simple way to get over feeling overwhelmed
April 26, 2015

Every now and again do you find yourself feeling like you have too much on your plate? Don't worry, it's normal. We all do.

#51 - #147isnotjustanumber: Kenya, we care...
April 11, 2015

What can we do to make the world care a lot more?

#50 - Being sick and tired of being sick and tired
March 29, 2015

You are your life's own revolutionary. Simple.

#49 - Tips on how to think positively
March 24, 2015

There is nothing 'fake' about choosing to think positively during tough times. It's all about seeing beyond 'now'.

#48 - Life lessons aplenty
March 23, 2015

I am enjoying this phase of learning about life. I feel as though I am in a new class in the school of life. The key is really that I actually WANT to learn a whole lot to become a much better version of me. This is a sacred place that many never get to s

#47 - Money will not make you happy
March 22, 2015

The pursuit of money is one that has most of the world convinced that it is the answer to all our problems. Sadly, that is potentially one of the most narrow-minded assumptions that cover the world today. We are somewhat chasing our own tails where the ac