Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Beirut gets blasted! – ITEL PT – 8.6.20
August 10, 2020

With high quality cameras now ubiquitous, any developing catastrophe, event, or “situation” is bound to have dozens of peering and staring eyeballs, and with social media, what is witnessed is sure to hit the global marketplace within seconds

PLA Army Day – Warning of War in China – ITEL – 8.1.20
August 10, 2020

The Middle East found itself under a searing heat wave as temperatures in parts of Iraq topped 127°F.  Saudi fared a bit better, coming in at over 116ºF while overnight lows stayed above the 90’s.  Geopolitics found itself heating up as well as Chin

“For the good of the community.” – ITEL PT – 7.30.20
August 09, 2020

In my mind, President Trump remains an enigma.  One day he seemingly has gone full Jew, and then on another, he makes decisions which are fundamentally so sound and wrapped in common sense that you just have to give a nod and a thumbs up. Oh.  And he is a

Inside the Eye – Live! Begins Year 10! – 7.25.20
August 09, 2020

Inside the Eye – Live! turned 9 years old with this show, but we like to say we are starting our 10th year.  I am not sure why, it just sounds pretty cool that we have completed 9 years and are now into our 10th year!  In this show, we plays a few c

The Cancel Culture Deluge – ITEL PT – 7.23
August 04, 2020

With a deluge of rain threatening the massive 3 Gorges Dam in China, we in the West are being inundated by another form of flood: cancel culture.  Of course, to many versed in this show and many like it, “Cancel Culture” isn’t really any

Western Civilization – Down on the Mat – 7.18.20
August 04, 2020

The West has been knocked down to the mat.  Not down for the count, but certainly a standing 8 count might be in order.   Attacks against the West are seemingly coming from all angles, X, Y, and Z.  Internally, there is a large band of dedicated cadres fu

Black Smithsonian Reinforces Black Failure – ITEL PT – 7.16,20
August 04, 2020

There is one enduring feature to live on planet Earth; you simply cannot fix stupid, and the planet is drowning in stupidity.  So many people cannot think for themselves, and common sense long ago became not so common.  What is up is down and what is down

Theft and Assaults on Western Innovation – ITEL – 7.11.20
August 01, 2020

We are witnessing a full court assault against Western innovation, values, talent, and civilization.  In an effort to harm Western talent, major corporations bring in talent from all over the world, more to suppress wages than to advance their products an

Defund. Defund. Defund. – ITEL PT – 7.9.20
August 01, 2020

Nature offers no guarantees to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Nature offers no guarantees at all.  But institition of man, living within Nature, surely can and has founded institutions where, in principle, the guarantees to the pursuit to l

A Not So Indepence Day in America – ITEL – 7.4.20
August 01, 2020

Nothing like an Independence Day celebration in the United States to highlight just how perilously close to the precipice Americans have been pushed towards losing their country, and with it, their independence.  Communist/Communitarian governors, mayors,