Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

2020 Presidential Election – An Expat Perspective – ITEL PT – 11.5.20
December 25, 2020

In this show, we discuss the just passed 2020 Presidential Election from an expatriate perspective.  As goes the US, so goes the world. or at least that is how many people in the world view presidential elections in the United States.  US elections are n

Trick or Treat? Election 2020 Campaign Wraps – ITEL – 10.31.20
December 25, 2020

A Halloween themed show combined with a 2020 Presidential Election campaign weekend wrap-up.  Of course, polls showed Biden leading Trump.  Am not sure how many people actually have been buying into all that.  I suspect “not many”.  Still, th

WEF and the “Global Reset” – ITEL PT – 10.29.20
December 25, 2020

What is it about today’s youth that makes them so disconnected from the reality of the policies they advocate for?  Can’t they see that they are calling for “solutions” that harm their very own near, mid, and long term interests? 

Esoteric English and Language Destruction – ITEL – 10.24.20
December 12, 2020

We truly live in a world where language is willfully, purposefully, being turned on its head.  Grotesque efforts at redefining the language, tantamount to perversions, can be found everywhere.  Up is truly becoming down, white is turning into black, fair

Progessives – An Alternate Universe – 10.22.20
November 28, 2020

As we continue to size up the enemies of humanity, we are faced with a troubling set of permutations.  At elite levels, we are faced with a cunning, shrewd, proficiently deceptive evil that appears to have a direct link to trans-dimensional channels.  Wi

“Brizer” from Ireland – 10.22.20
November 28, 2020

Host of the “The Brizer Show”, Brizer, appeared on Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time! on Thursday, October 22, 2020.  Topics of discussion included Brizer’s legal defense strategy of not contracting with any authorities within the

The “West” – Treasonous Leadership Reigns – ITEL – 10.17.20
November 27, 2020

One thing is certain about Western governments: by and large, the governments are comprised of conspirators that can only be seen as treasonous when viewed from the lens of supporting and advancing Western civilization.  Immigration policies are designed

Obama, Inc – Bin Laden a “Trophy Kill” – ITEL PT – 10.15.20
November 27, 2020

How sinister and whacked do you have to be to murder someone as a “trophy kill” to benefit your own political advancement?  Obviously, very, and this is what was learned about Barak Hussein Obama.  Apparently, in order to advance Obama’

The Jewish-black War on America – ITEL – 10.10.20
November 27, 2020

Citizens of the United States are getting a first hand glimpse of the hell that America’s “intelligence services” have wrought to many parts of the world through the use of “color revolutions”.  Indeed, the people of the Uni

The Covid-19 Scam – A Crime Against Humanity – ITEL PT 10.8.20
November 27, 2020

The Covid-19 Scam is a coordinated, global crime against humanity.  The unilateral destruction of even basic human rights against what is essentially 99% of the population who will truly never be at serious risk from this so called “novel virus&#82