Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Jack Sen – Sleeping with the Far Right- ITEL – 2.23.19
February 25, 2019

Jack Sen, former UKIP candidate who was ousted (as some many people in Britain have) from his candidacy due to charges of “anti-Semitism”, featured on a documentary put out by the BBC’s Channel 4 titled “Sleeping with the Far Right

Alison Chabloz – The Stifling of Speech – ITEL – 2.23.19
February 25, 2019

Alison Chabloz, the British entertainer who has endured a couple years of legal harassment at the behest of Israel-first, anti-Western and anti British NGO “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” and Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service , the fe

The Fetch @ IDEX 2019 – ITEL PT – 2.21.19
February 22, 2019

Having just returned from the International Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the Fetch reports on some of the observations at IDEX with a major shout-out to the city of Abu Dhabi as a safe, inviting, professionally

Swedish Insanity w/ Fabian Fjalling – ITEL PT – 2.21.19
February 22, 2019

Fabian Fjälling, former citizen journalist with the now defunct “Investigate Sweden”, visits Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time for 2.21.19 to discuss the latest Swedish insanity! When one thinks of Sweden, you might think of things like

Trump’s Caves on Border Funding? ITEL – 2.16.19
February 20, 2019

There are two main internal dangers that threaten Western civilization: Jews and Open Borders Traitors (OBT’s).  Each of these groups, in their incessant pursuit of their own interests, working directly in contradiction to the interests of the great

Jews in Power – The Real National Emergency? – ITEL PT – 2.14.19
February 15, 2019

Anti-American and anti-Western legislation championed and advanced by Jews strongly suggests that the real national emergency facing the United States and the West is the fact that Jews are in so many influential positions and their decisions and the resu

Roger Stone and CNN-FBI Collusion – ITEL – 2.9.19
February 12, 2019

Border security played front and center as we endured another week of White “something-or-others” advocating, essentially, for open borders.  Michael “Tom” Goodrich, author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 joined

Michael “Tom” Goodrich – “Madison Ave.” & Immigration – ITEL – 2.9.19
February 11, 2019

Michael “Tom” Goodrich, author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, appeared in hour 2 of Inside the Eye – Live! As always, a plethora of subjects were broached plus a couple listeners calls during the segment. Caller &#82

SOTU and White “something-or-others” – 2.7.19
February 11, 2019

President Trump’s State of the Union Address provided ample triggering that effectively exposes fake “White Nationalists” while drawing attention to what should matter most to ANY Nationalist: securing the border and holes in America&#82

Libya Updates w/ Mariam Al Fattah – ITEL PT – 2.7.19
February 08, 2019

Mariam Al Fattah, fresh off a trip into the Libyan capital of Libya, returned to Inside the Eye – Live! for a “Prime Time” visit to discuss her latest trip into Libya.  From the quasi-warlord Haftar, who is aligned with the LNA (Libyan N