Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Jewish Contempt for the West – ITEL – 5.4.19
May 05, 2019

Let’s be honest with ourselves.  When President Bush said that the perpetrators of 9-11 “hate us for our freedoms”, he was speaking the truth.  What Pres. Bush did not say is precisely “who” those people were.  Now, nearly 20

Fetch on Fridays #5 – To Learn Who Rules Over You…-5.3.19
May 05, 2019

Fetch on Friday’s returned with Episode #5, “To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are not Allowed to Criticize”.  Somewhat of a spirited discussion as Andy and The Fetch discussed the ongoing agenda by Jews to place thems

Jews Push for Total Censorship – ITEL PT – 5.2.19
May 03, 2019

As the middle part of America becomes submerged under near historic flooding, the United States herself is becoming submerged under Jewish orchestrated tyranny that seeks to impose a pure Jewish contrived and constructed fake history onto the entirety of

KSCO AM 1080 Kol Nidres its Audience – ITEL – 4.27.19
April 29, 2019

The final show from Riyadh, for at least some time, proved to be electric as we discussed observations from the White House, Boeing Airplane Company’s new engineering philosophy, and the rapidly expanding controversy of surrounding Michael Zwerling,

America’s War on Iran – ITEL PT – 4.25.19
April 26, 2019

Monday, May 2, 2019, the United States will end all waivers for countries purchasing oil from Iran.  After this date, countries will risk sanctions from the United States should they purchase oil from Iran.  A few weeks prior, the United States labeled Ir

Easter Symbolism – It Ain’t Jewish! – ITEL – 4.20.19
April 22, 2019

It is that time of year again, when Jews gather en masse and raise a toast (in the name of “religion”) to their contribution to the mass murder of innocent people in their perverse expression of what is and is not “holy”.  That tim

Western Civilization under Assault – ITEL PT – 4.18.19
April 19, 2019

The fire (arson?) targeting the Cathedral of Notre Dame, one of the most iconic architectural relics of Western civilization, brings to light the ongoing war against Western civilization, all of which has been brought about by Jewish policies within Weste

Paul English – and Guest Host Parade – ITEL – 4.13.19
April 14, 2019

Prior commitments required a day off for “The Fetch” which was expertly filled by Paul English, famed for his efforts behind Eurofolk Radio and the behind the scenes sound engineer for Inside the Eye – Live!  Paul presented a plethora of

The Case to Remove Jews from Authority – ITEL PT – 4.11.19
April 14, 2019

Leave no doubt about this episode.  It was a very difficult show to deliver as two days prior, our beloved blind buddy and star of the ITEL Cat Report, Bruiser, passed away after falling from our roof to the ground below.  It was not a far fall as far as

The Awareness Road – ITEL – 4.6.19
April 08, 2019

Listener call-ins (Frank in NC and Jack is So. CAL) provided for a great theme which we could call “The Awareness Road”.  The sad reality of today shows that so many people are living in a world of delusion, unable to see reality for what it t