Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

America’s Immigration Train Wreck – ITEL PT – 6.20.19
July 01, 2019

As Trump’s drones. from Yemen to Iran continue to get shot out of the air, the United States continues on its 50 year, Jewish inspired experiment in “multi-culturalism”, a buzz word for populate displacement and replacement within Europe

Gulf of Oman Tanker Attack – 6.15.19
June 18, 2019

The Gulf of Oman tanker attack presents the world with just another “ship based” event which the United States has sought to launch a war.  Ship based events seem rather convenient as they are isolated from any chance of witnesses, save those

Fetch on Fridays #8 – Preserving Free Speech – 6.14.19
June 18, 2019

Simply speaking your mind in a very calm and rational manner is, in certain political and  economic environments, has become a very dangerous activity.  Want to mention your aunt’s children who have become maimed shortly after taking some government

A Month for LGBTQP “Pride” – ITEL PT – 6.13.19
June 16, 2019

We are rapidly approaching the middle of June, a month made famous for weddings, and it is being utterly tarnished as being the new month of “LGBTQP Pride Month.”  Really?  A month to celebrate degeneracy within our midst?  Why do we need to h

Analysis of Cornwall Reports Smear of Graham Hart – ITEL 6.8.19
June 10, 2019

We live in a world where cowards of all forms find it fashionable to involve themselves in other people’s lives with the express purpose of finding some “dirt” within which one justifies in going about to ruin another, be it their liveli

The DC Dyke March – ITEL PT – 6.6.19
June 09, 2019

Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time! for Thursday, June 6, 2019 began with a bit of some technical issues that chewed into the show (those of course are edited out in the archives).  We began with a discussion of some of the issues surrounding the dev

Erika – The Harsh Reality – 6.6.19
June 09, 2019

Erika, from the Harsh Reality, arrived for a one hour segment.  The segment proved to be quite light with lots of give and take.  Erika has been broadcasting on Youtube for around 8 months and featured guests as Dennis Wise, Tom Goodrich, and Cynthia McKi

Jordan Cools on Expats – ITEL – 6.1.19
June 03, 2019

Recently, we announced that we were looking to close our base in Jordan and move it to the Philippines.  It is not a decision we really wanted to make, but all indications from the street indicate that the time of expats being able to enjoy life in a near

Fetch on Fridays #7 – Analyzing Anti-Semitism Definitions – 5.31.19
June 03, 2019

Fetch on Fridays #7 delved into analyzing the UK government’s definition of anti-Semitism.  Some key points in the show included the reality that the UK government definition does not include a disclaimer that the definitions are from a foreign NGO

Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time! 5.30.19
June 03, 2019

Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time for Thursday, May 30, 2019, was a guest feature show with “Woody”, a former API free lance independent reporter, appearing in hour 1 to discuss the close of the Mueller Investigation and where things in