Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

On Coups and Corruption – ITEL – 11.21.20

January 02, 2021

Delays in announcing a winner in presidential elections in the United States are not unprecendented.  Contested election resulted aren’t necessary frequent, but they aren’t as infrequent as you might imagine.  In fact, throughout the history of the United States, including the 2020 vote, there have been at least 8 contested elections, or about 20% of all presidential elections have some form of serious controversy. Some more so than others. What seperates 2020 from the rest is the Internet.  Information flows literally at the speed of light.  The people can nowRead More The post On Coups and Corruption – ITEL – 11.21.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.