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Inside the Eye - Live!

EO 13848, Dominion, and the Coup Against America – ITEL – 11.14.20

December 25, 2020

The 2020 Presidential Election saga moves on as, after a week plus since the close of the polls, America and the world still awaits actual, factual numbers as to who actually “won” the election.  Of course, the American people spoke – LOUDLY.  Donald J. Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election in a landslide.  The “red wave” was so substantial that it nearly washed over the entire nation. Less than 17% of all counties in the United States remained in “blue” hands, yet the media and many politicians continue to pushRead More The post EO 13848, Dominion, and the Coup Against America – ITEL – 11.14.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.