Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Trick or Treat? Election 2020 Campaign Wraps – ITEL – 10.31.20

December 25, 2020

A Halloween themed show combined with a 2020 Presidential Election campaign weekend wrap-up.  Of course, polls showed Biden leading Trump.  Am not sure how many people actually have been buying into all that.  I suspect “not many”.  Still, the gas-lighting and intellectual assault by Jewish media to peddle this fraud is nothing short of voter suppression, a deliberate attempt by the legacy media to impose a reality that, if it does not exist already, will be forced into existence by the assets of the Deep State which, by all indications,Read More The post Trick or Treat? Election 2020 Campaign Wraps – ITEL – 10.31.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.