Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

WEF and the “Global Reset” – ITEL PT – 10.29.20

December 25, 2020

What is it about today’s youth that makes them so disconnected from the reality of the policies they advocate for?  Can’t they see that they are calling for “solutions” that harm their very own near, mid, and long term interests?  From issues like “immigration” to “identity politics”, to policies mandated and imposed by draconian, tyrannical, unelected “health officials”, so many youth seem to want to just go along with their own enslavement. It boggles my mind. For a generation that likes to inform us “Boomers” that they are just “soRead More The post WEF and the “Global Reset” – ITEL PT – 10.29.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.