Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Esoteric English and Language Destruction – ITEL – 10.24.20

December 12, 2020

We truly live in a world where language is willfully, purposefully, being turned on its head.  Grotesque efforts at redefining the language, tantamount to perversions, can be found everywhere.  Up is truly becoming down, white is turning into black, fairness is being equated to injustice, tolerance of others is being viewed “systemic racism” when the demands of the aggrieved are not being met. On the language front, we are staring down the precipice of a dystopian nightmare. But need this be so?  Are not the purveyors of perversion really presentingRead More The post Esoteric English and Language Destruction - ITEL - 10.24.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.