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Obama, Inc – Bin Laden a “Trophy Kill” – ITEL PT – 10.15.20

November 27, 2020

How sinister and whacked do you have to be to murder someone as a “trophy kill” to benefit your own political advancement?  Obviously, very, and this is what was learned about Barak Hussein Obama.  Apparently, in order to advance Obama’s political fortunes, Obama-Biden had “Osama bin Laden” killed in a raid on a compound in Pakistan using some of America’s most lethal warriors, Seal Team 6. Of course, Osama bin Laden was already largely considered dead for quite some time by this point in the historical record, kept alive largelyRead More The post Obama, Inc - Bin Laden a "Trophy Kill" - ITEL PT - 10.15.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.