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Inside the Eye - Live!

Tony Fauci. Lies. Lies. And more lies. – ITEL PT – 9.24.20

October 23, 2020

Rand Paul and Tony Fauci had a run-in during questioning of Fauci before the Senate.  What is of interest here is that Rand Paul is, himself, a doctor, so it is hard for Tony Fauci to play “I am holier and smarter than thou”, card, although such did not in fact prevent Fauci the Fraudster from doing precisely just that. Essentially, Tony Fauci has been revealed to be a fraud.  He is a peddler, a “promoter”. if one wishes to be provide such a clown any due courtesies.   But theseRead More The post Tony Fauci. Lies. Lies. And more lies. - ITEL PT - 9.24.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.