Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

9-11 and its Esoteric Construction – ITEL 9.12.20

October 02, 2020

9-11, the number, holds many mysteries.  A mystery, when you think about it, could be as simple as a missed story, just as surely as should you wish to destroy something, you begin by “destorying” it.  English abounds in puns and sleights of tongue and for the Occultist, those who map the archetypal paths of the mind, 9-11 returns us to a primordial state, that which legend and myth call “the Garden of Eden”. The Sepher Yetzirah hints about it: 10 not 9, 10 not 11. Through the use ofRead More The post 9-11 and its Esoteric Construction - ITEL 9.12.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.