Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Paul English, the UK’s Covid Madness – 9.5.20

October 01, 2020

Paul English, the voice behind Hellstorm, the Audio Book, joined Inside the Eye – Live! on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2o20.  Paul discussed, well, Hellstorm, the Audio Book. the UK and Covid-19 response, and the ongoing invasion being conducted under cover of lockdowns and willful treason by many within the ruling elite. On the Covid front, Paul is of the opinion that the blueprint for the Covid scam was long in the preparation and making.  It has, equally, been by and large successfully managed.  Ultimately, “Covid” is one of the greatestRead More The post Paul English, the UK's Covid Madness - 9.5.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.