Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Downunder Goes Belly-up – ITEL PT – 9.3.20

September 25, 2020

There is a rather stunning silence coming out of America’s foreign policy establishment.  Oh, we hear the incessant screams about Iran.  And China clearly has its hands full as the Covid-19 empowers mediocre politicians to masquerade as twisted little Stalins.  Oh, we hear about the Uigher concentrations campls in northwest China, but a deafening silence to existing concentration camps in far away lands as New Zealand. Sure, we hear about dissent in Iran being quelled, but why the silence when politicians in Quebec state they will round-up and put intoRead More The post Downunder Goes Belly-up - ITEL PT - 9.3.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.