Inside Selling

Inside Selling

Latest Episodes

You Can Handle The Truth
July 19, 2022

You do a demo. Your prospect says, "I love it." Then you never hear from them again. Here's the way out.

Boosting Response Rates With Hi-Def Cold Emails
July 18, 2022

A way to boost cold email response rates using hi-def cold emails.

Defusing “How did you get my number?”
July 14, 2022

You cold call a prospect and they say in an angry voice, "How did you get my number?"  Here's how to respond.

Does Belief Matter When Selling?
July 13, 2022

Thoughts on what sales and missionaries have in common. Are you a missionary for your product?

How To Eliminate Objections When Cold Calling
July 12, 2022

The best way to diffuse objections is to prevent them from happening. Here's how.

Let’s Write a Good Cold Email
July 11, 2022

Let's write a cold email, step by step. Nice and slow.

Light The Wick
July 05, 2022

Thoughts on achieving whatever success you want.

A Sales Ninja
June 19, 2022

This door-to-door salesperson sold me. Steal his talk track.

Talking About Price
June 09, 2022

Thoughts on discussing price.

Kendall & Lily on How to Land Meetings With Celebrities in LA
May 22, 2022

Kendall James & Lily Drew on how to land meetings with celebrities in LA  and how to handle rejection.
