Insider Interviews with E.B. Moss

Insider Interviews with E.B. Moss

Joe Jackman Reinvents How Brands Embrace Change

September 23, 2021

Not many people – or brands -- love change as much as Joe Jackman, CEO of Jackman Reinvents. He’s advised major retailers like Staples and brands like Flow Water, B2B companies and private equity partners, on how to reinvent themselves and thrive in an ever-changing marketplace. In this 40-minute conversation with podcast host E.B. Moss, Jackman offers scores of insights – or as he says, “nuggets you can actually hang a strategy off of”. Hear how he taps into trends and embraces our very human behavior to help brands do what’s essential: evolve.

Jackman has embraced change professionally himself, moving from creative to CMO to CEO and author (“The Revisionist Mindset”). Today's pandemic environment has only compressed the need for speed to do things differently; not just in people's lives, but business. Because as Jackman says, “If you're not changing and evolving, you’re stuck. And stuck would probably be the best scenario: the more common scenario, in business terms, is you're waning or dying.”

• Learn which immutable law of marketing he adopted from Al Ries and Jack Trout to build his agency on.
• How the concept of reinvention is tied to “invention,” and a brand’s transformation is intrinsically tied to its DNA.
• Why we need to see change in our minds as a positive force, and essential. It should be seen as creating the next best, most powerful and relevant version of you or your company.”
• Why the status quo – especially when paired with success -- is actually a killer.
• How to navigate our Values Economy and create consumer choice "tiebreakers"
• Catch case study discussion on how Jackman helped Staples create trial stores and transformed Rexall to be the first drugstore in Canada to start offering immunizations.

Big Jackman Takeaway: “There's probably only one rule in all of this work in transformation: That you must deeply understand who your customers are and what they care about most. ...beyond function, into the world of emotion. Most marketers focus on the means. Understand what the end is.”