Insider Interviews with E.B. Moss

Insider Interviews with E.B. Moss

The Scoop from Sree on Good Talks, Listening and Journalistic Integrity

May 28, 2020

Sree Sreenivasan has stepped up to bring people around the world together, sometimes several times a day, via multiple livestreamed shows; from his 5 years and counting New York Times Readalong to 77 days straight of his Global COVID-19 show. This social and digital media expert, known by many as “@Sree”, has an expanded family of connections that faithfully gather round for a dose of positivity, even if his immediate family made him self-isolate next door for all that recording. That's what happens when you're prolific, and generous with content. For example, there's also his 21 years of conducting Social Media Weekend gatherings to educate on the latest tools and tactics, his frequent appearances on radio and on CNBC as a tech-expert. And that's after heading up digital for both The City of New York and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. So Sree has a thing or three to say. Hear his thoughts on the value and art of generous content for both altruistic reasons and, with a trademark candor, as a business development vehicle for his digital marketing and virtual event business.