The Next Level Healer

The Next Level Healer

High Vibe Music as Medicine with Kiyoshi

May 24, 2021

Activate your creative expression with rap coach Kiyoshi Shelton. Leap into leadership and heal with conscious music.
In my Next Level Healer coaching certification program, I work with many types of wellness practitioners that are ready to break out and offer new services. I'm always on the lookout for coaches who bring their own unique style and healing gifts with power and presence. That's the reason I wanted to interview Kiyoshi and I hope he inspires you as much as he does me.

Kiyoshi offers courses and coaching programs that highlight his unique path of service: music and creativity as medicine. He is helping people all over the world access their own unique creativity and elevate their expression.

Hip hop and rap were the sounds of my youth and I still love rap music so much. Throughout my personal healing journey, the more old patterns and programs I uncovered the more I realized mainstream music was contributing to damaging programs in my subconscious.

Songs on the radio were just as unhealthy as the processed food I no longer desired to eat. How many of  you have had a similar journey? The more you work on raising your vibration and healing yourself, the more protective you become of what you consume on all levels.

Consumption happens through media, music, movies, and of course, what we eat. Enjoy this interview with Kiyoshi and I hope he activates your unique creative leadership style!

For more information on Kiyoshi's coaching sessions and courses, check out:

On Instagram and Facebook @kiyoshimusic

For any healers ready to take their services online and make a global impact, check out my Next Level Healer Coaching Certification program & get a sneak peek of the course here.

Want more inspiration? Check out this episode on poetry, healing and creativity with Jacinta V. White: Poetry That Heals: Grief and Creativity with Jacinta White