Innovate Podcast

Innovate Podcast

Andrew Mangino and The Future Project, Activating Students as Agents for Change

February 22, 2015

Andrew Mangino cofounded The Future Project in 2011, and has since been instrumental in augmenting the organization's reach and impact in the spheres of education and community development. The Future Project has expanded into 50 high schools across the country in seven states, engaging 25,000 students to not only realize their passions but also to pursue them and solve problems that affect their families, friends, communities, cities and society as a whole. Appointed Dream Directors immerse themselves in school communities, acting as catalysts for change and re-imagining schools as environments not only for academic learning, but as places where students learn how to live the best lives possible.

The Future Project on Facebook

Andrew Mangino on LinkedIn

Tune into the interview with Andrew, click through the corresponding slideshow below and watch the three featured videos about Dream Directors, students and an inspiring example of one student's dream and campaign for social change facilitated by The Future Project...