Innovate Podcast

Innovate Podcast

Ideas Unbound: Dr. Sylvia Rimm, Working with Children and Families to Change Lives

May 18, 2014

Dr. Sylvia Rimm—psychologist, clinical professor at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and director of the Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio—is a veteran counselor and worldwide lecturer who became familiar to audiences around the country during her nine years as a contributing correspondent for NBC’s TODAY show. Her achievements in family & child psychology and child development, together with her best-selling books, have made Sylvia a highly regarded and sought-after child psychologist. Her latest, Jane Wins Again: Can Successful Women Have It All?  is now available.

"Dr. Rimm is a guardian angel for families." — Katie Couric

Sylvia Rimm on LinkedIn

Tune in to the interview with Sylvia and click through the corresponding slideshow below....