Innovate Podcast

Innovate Podcast

Ideas Unbound: Rupert Scofield: Leading Microfinance Across the Globe Through FINCA

July 21, 2013

A dialogue with Rupert Scofield, cofounder, president and CEO of the Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), with a mission to provide financial services to the world's lowest-income entrepreneurs so that they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living. FINCA is internationally recognized as a global leader in microfinance, having reached more than a million clients through its global network in AfricaEurasia, the Middle East and Latin America, with a loan portfolio exceeding $750 million. Rupert is also the author of The Social Entrepreneur's Handbook: How to Start, Build and Run a Business that Improves the World, a powerful guide for emerging social entrepreneurs. Our dialogue also takes up key ideas in this important work.

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Tune into the interview with Rupert and click through the corresponding slideshow below...