InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Latest Episodes

ep 13: Eric Canete Flips the script
December 31, 2013

Episode 13: Eric Canete Flips the script. One year ago today i launched this here podcast. I didn’t know what to expect form it. I didn’t really know why i was doing it. I hoped for an outlet to express my struggles, i hoped to reach a larger audience

ep 12: Chris Brunner, Part 2
November 30, 2013

I'm finally finished with Fantomex Max, and I'm on my first vacation, alone with my wife, in over 6 years. You know the drill. Download. Listen. Enjoy. We'll kick off 2014 with a bang. I've got a lot planned. So, for now, enjoy the brevity of this write u

ep 11: Chris Brunner, Part 1
October 31, 2013

Life is messy. One side of my brain tells me "Shawn, life is cold and relentless." The other side, the rare optimist, says "Life is organic and ever changing." Either way, life is challenging. The relationships we form are the support systems for our life

ep 10: Kelly-Sue DeConnick
September 30, 2013

Fall is in the air, which means school is back in session, which means my Anxiety is back with a vengeance. It’s an ongoing war, but i am making headway. I’ve fought many battles, winning quite a few more recently. The battle of Slef doubt at Heroes c

ep 9: Khary Randolph
August 31, 2013

Khary Randolph. I get cranky. It happens. Those who know me, who are close to me, know all about it. I’m trying to be better to those near and dear to me, i’m a work in progress. Patience. I’ll get there... I think. I hope. What does that have to do

ep 8: Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
August 01, 2013

Episode 8: Darryl "DMC" McDaniels. Life is fuckin crazy. CRAZY! Sure, i talk about my anxiety a lot, but lately i'm thinking there's another bend to it. Excitement. They come on the same way... Shaky, Nervous, Dizzy, Sweaty... you know, Jewy. But exciteme

ep 7: Matteo Scalera
June 30, 2013

Welcome to Episode 7 of Inkpulp Audio. I’m having a bad month, and I’m ready to whine about it. I turned 41 on fathers day, and i’m way behind schedule on my current project. My complex life has infected my weak mind once again. It’s a dam shame,

ep 6: Skottie Young
May 31, 2013

INKPULP Audio, Episode 6... YES... SIX! I am blown away by the love and support this podcast has and continues to receive. Please keep the praise coming, my narcissism cavity will take a lot to fill. I need love people...LOVE! OK, enough about me and my c

ep 5: Ryan Stegman
April 30, 2013

Spring is upon us, and so are my allergies, Oh! and of course Inkpulp Audio Episode 5. Ryan Stegamn joins me on this months jourey into the creatvie mind, or the sick mind as i see it at times. Having children is tough. Being married is tough. Combine tho

ep 4: Elmore and Peter Leonard
March 31, 2013

In this episode of Inkpulp Audio, I sit down with Elmore and Peter Leonard. Lucky me. DAM RIGHT, lucky me. What's it like to get to interview one of your creative idols? Listen and see. I certainly went into this one with a topic in mind (Father and Sons