InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Episode 45: Becky Cloonan, Part 1

July 31, 2015

* Episode 45. Becky Cloonan, Part 1. To put it simply, Becky is AWESOME. Becky is also, now, a good friend. We recorded this during Denver Comic Con, 2015. I was going through a lot that weekend, in my head. That weekend changed me, partly because of the time i spent with Becky. So, if you’re wondering why i sound like such an asshole during this interview, thats why. I was working though a ton of bitterness, resentment, worry, and fear… plus i was TIRED. Good news is, i worked it out. I feel pretty happy these days. Bad news is, Becky had to suffer though it… and now… so do you.