InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Episode 33: Dennis Calero, part 1

October 31, 2014

Episode 33: Dennis Calero, part 1. My wife is sitting here, next to me, watching “House Hunters.” This fucking TV show. People who have too much money complaining about a 4 bedroom house having an “unpleasant” entrance. ” one sink in the kids bathroom? That’s not going to work.” “The kitchen doesn’t have an island?!” FUCK YOU! Once, I’d like to see their reality collapse in front of the camera. Now THAT would be a show I’d want to see! I’m tired people, tired and cranky. I just can’t stand to listen to people complaint about bullshit when there’s real problems out there. Kind of like… Yeah, this podcast. Fuck off. Enjoy this episode with Dennis Calero. Once we got going, we recorded 2 episodes worth of chatter. Enjoy!