InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Ep 32: Jeremy Haun

October 14, 2014

Episode 32: Jeremy Haun. I’m back from New York comic con…partially. My mind is still trying to process the weekend. In some ways, it was the best con ever, with Arkham Manor coming out next week, it felt like this may be the eve of my success. The quiet before the storm. A lot of friends pulled me aside to say they were proud of me, happy for me, excited. Some friends seemed to pulling away from me. Maybe, I was pulling away from them? I doubt it, that doesn’t seem like me. Like I said, I’m trying to figure it all out. Jeremy is a good friend, and I’m glad we got to sit and chat here. I know he’s been wanting to do it, but was nervous. Jeremy doesn’t like to talk about the hard stuff, but I do. So, we wrestled our way through this… cage match style.