InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Ep 28: Cully Hamner

August 14, 2014

Episode 28: Cully Hamner. Life goes on. I’m past the madness of summer cons and travel, my children are back in school, and I’m going through the final transition of one career to the next. My contract at school is almost up and I’m in full swing on Arkham Manor. I’m not good with transitions. My need to control everything is threatened by chaos. I’m trying to just ride the wave of life. I’m trying to simply “be.” Trying. I’m a work in progress. Ugh. I’m Charlie Brown, except there’s no one pulling the football from me… I’m doing it to myself. No one can be worse to me than I am to myself. Honestly though, that’s only one part of me. I can be quite good to myself as well. I don’t know where I’m going with this, I’m simply illustrating how transition can send my mind into flux. I know this transition is a great one, AND it’s one I chose. So, I’m going to try and ride this wave and let everything happen without trying to control it. The funny thing about control is, it’s an illusion. There is no controlling life, it just is. I’m going to chew on that for a while. For now, enjoy this Episode of Inkpulp Audio. I’m joined by Cully Hamner. He drops a bomb on me. THIS is a captivating listen