InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

Ep 27: Jason Latour, Pt. 2

July 31, 2014
Episode 27: Jason Latour, Pt. 2. I’m heading to to San Diego comic con right now, on the Amtrak surf liner. It’s really a gorgeous ride, and reminder for me to enjoy the “now.” I’ve be in California for a week already, with my wife and two kids, and my parents. We’ve been visiting my brother. I was stressed coming out because I had to ink two pages while in this trip. No big deal. Two pages over 10 days. The problem is, I just sit and stress about not having the time to do it, not being able to enjoy myself because I have to work on it later, etc… The reality is, I get to draw for an about here an there with the pacific breeze blowing down my back. We’ll go to the beach, take a boat ride to the Channel Islands, etc. All I need to do is put in some time each day doing what I love. I’m not healthy enough to keep that in perspective. I had a few small mental freak outs, but for the most part, I’ve been enjoying it. Speaking of which, there is a Pacific Ocean off to my right. I think I’ll go be in the “now” and enjoy the view. Oh, yeah, this episode is really special to me. A friendship was healed because of it.