InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

ep 24: Juan Doe Part 2

June 14, 2014

  • Episode 24: Juan Doe Pt. 2, The Birth of Juan Doe. I’m RIDDLED with anticipation. Well, it’s anxiety… I’m just tired of saying that.I am awaiting word on a gig that I’ve dreamed about for the past 20 years. This is where I’m at my weakest. Waiting. Not knowing. I cant handle not knowing, its a reminder of my control issues. I’m working on it. I’m working on it. I’ll spend the next few days trying to pretend that I’m good. All the while, checking my emails every 20 minutes and running every rejection scenario through my head. Yeah, i said rejection, because there’s no way I’m getting this job. Or so i’ve convinced myself. But, I’m a Gemini, and it’s June. So, THE JOB IS MINE! See what i did there? Enough about me, lets get into part two of Juan Doe’s interview, where his alter ego is born.  Again, it’s June, and I’m a Gemini. Maybe some weed will calm my mind? Xanex? Beer? Fuck it, how about a trifecta.