InkPulp Audio

InkPulp Audio

ep 18: Mark Brooks Part 2

March 14, 2014

Episode 18: Mark Brooks Part 2. I’m letting go people. When i sit down and draw, i need to just let it out. Play. Ive spent much of my career trying to make perfect marks. I’ve learned a lot from doing that, but its time consuming, stale, and i’ve become stagnant. I’ve hit the end of that road. Time to just sit down, and play. BUT, that requires trust un myself. Which, as you know, i have issues with. I have commitment issues with myself. Narcissistic much? My inner voice is telling me to shut up, and he’s a fuckin bully. So, i’ll listen. Here we go with mark Brooks, Part 2, the drive home. It’s pretty exciting. Mainly because we stopped to get fireworks. Have i told you that i’m an overgrown child?